Sewing a top a month: January

We’ve always had a sewing machine here at home, but it’s really only been the last few years that I have been the main person using it. Of course, I attempted a few projects while studying Home Economics at school, but that never really went anywhere – in fact I think my teacher often gave me High B’s/Low C’s. I don’t think I had the patience then, that I have now.  It was only after reading a few blogs, and trying out a few projects, that I really started to find that I could do this.

However, aside from a kid’s pyjama top that I made for a class at university (yes, somehow studying a Bachelor of Primary Education meant that I could take a Clothing & Textile class – BEST decision I ever made!), I realised at the start of this year that I haven’t sewn a single top. Skirts, dresses, altering pants – yes. Shirt? No. And to be honest, the thought scared me. I can’t do that! And then I came across an old post in Google Reader that I had starred. It was by Made by Rae, and I thought, I’m going to try it! (Let’s be honest, I just can’t deny fluttery sleeves, and this top is all about fluttery sleeves.)

So for the instructions, and all that, please visit her site here

(Funny story: I pinned this on pinterest, and my mum saw it. She’s still convinced I’m the one in the original picture… no mother.)

Anyway, I succeeded, in that the top is wearable! But I encountered a few difficulties like….

  1. I thought I bought stretch lace material. However, once I had sewn it, I realised it definitely wasn’t. Because it wouldn’t go over my head all that easily, and I definitely had a seam rip. Uh oh. SOLUTION: Cut down the back, and add a button at the top, similar to this:

    Photo Credit: Viva Luxury

  2. Second problem – my lace fabric was very, well, lacey, and so sewing a hem was quite difficult, because there wasn’t anything to sew, but we got there in the end… (Except that I still haven’t hemmed the bottom yet… I just wear it tucked in! ;) Shhh…)

But, for my first top, it was a good pattern to pick! No sleeves to try and attach, no collars, no facing, just (relatively) simple sewing.

January’s top? Completed! I’ll put February’s up in a few days… That one was a little more complicated!